Not sure why it is but every damned time I try to record this last 2 years I gum something up! Everything takes for freakin' ever. This time it was the lyrics. Plus my throat was sore. My body said stop this. I try to listen to my body 'cos when I don't all hell breaks loose. But since it was going so well before the foul up I thought I would share it with you just to prove I really am working on the CD. The song is a medley of 2 I wrote, one is called Cloak Of Kisses, the other is Dragon Rider. I finally decided they should be together like Simon & Garfunkle's "Scarborough Fair/Canticle" or The Guess Who's "No Sugar Tonight / New Mother Nature". So here you go, just for you! and complete with the fouled up beginning and end. The beginning is actually supposed to be on recorder but one of the cast decided to sit on my recorder's mouthpiece. So I need to get some vodka to clean the thing and hope it doesn't damage the plastic, So instead I'm singing the instrumental, go figure! CLOAK OF KISSES / DRAGON RIDER Now you would think that if an artist writes their own lyrics they would not forget them while singing. Unfortunately it doesn't actually work that way in either a poet or singers brain, sadly, because every other lyric you ever wrote as well as any other you memorized is jostling around the old cranium, just waiting to knock the others around, sometimes. To say nothing of clang association and other fun things. Since I am going on 4 hours sleep (all I got this morning before waking up bolt upright, filled with energy and unable to go back to sleep. I went for a walk in the morning quasi-mist, which morphed into a grocery run and so before it was even 8 am there i was lugging groceries back home down a tree-lined road and the mist had descended from the sky to street level. fast forward breakfast, a (probably too brief) vocal warm -up and then the recording attempt.
singer-songwriter/bassist/ Archives
April 2018